It’s hard to determine if you’re suffering from a dental emergency or if it can wait for a few days. At Nottingham Dental, we offer emergency dental services for your urgent dental needs. Let our highly skilled dentist and dental team evaluate your emergency, provide guidance, and relieve you from your dental pain. Dental emergencies are situations that need immediate emergency dental care.
If you are experiencing severe dental pain or have knocked your tooth out, do not hesitate to contact us. We are available to answer any questions you may have regarding emergency dental care. We are ready to assist you in case of a dental emergency. The following are some common dental emergencies:
- Severe Toothaches: If you’re suffering from severe toothache for several days, you may need to consult an emergency dentist. This is especially true if your tooth is also discolored.
- Fractured Teeth: If your tooth is cracked or fractured, you need to consult an emergency dentist. Minor fractures are normal and don’t require emergency dental treatment. However, if the fracture extends below the gum line, the dentist will need to perform an emergency tooth extraction.
- Knocked-Out Teeth: If your tooth gets knocked out, you must consult an emergency dentist immediately. Hold the knocked-out tooth by the crown, rinse it gently, and carry it to the emergency dentist in an airtight container with milk. If you reach the emergency dentist within an hour, they may be able to reattach the tooth.
- Extruded Teeth: Also known as partially dislodged teeth, this is an indication that you need to consult an emergency dentist.
- Soft-Tissue Injuries: You should consult an emergency dentist if your soft tissues, such as lips, gums, and tongue, are bleeding. Before you see the emergency dentist, you can rinse the injured area and apply an antiseptic gauze to stop the bleeding.
If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, you should contact an emergency dentist immediately. Once you’ve told them about the symptoms, they’ll let you know to handle the situation and if you should schedule an emergency dental appointment. You should find a walk-in dentist or dental clinic in Katy, TX, so you don’t have to schedule an appointment. You should also find an emergency dental care clinic that provides you a number that you can contact during dental emergencies.