Sleep Apnea | Nottingham Dental

Sleep apnea is a medical condition in which your breathing abruptly starts and stops while sleeping. In this article, we discuss sleep apnea types, sleep apnea diagnosis, and sleep apnea treatment at Nottingham Dental clinic.

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Are you suffering from sleep apnea? Speak to our dentist and see how we can help!

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Sleep apnea is a serious condition in which your breathing starts and stops abruptly while sleeping. If you snore considerably while sleeping or feel tired even after eight hours of sleep, you may have sleep apnea. There are various types of sleep apnea with various sleep apnea treatment options.

According to an Institute of Medicine report, sleep loss and sleep disorders are associated with various health hazards, such as hypertension, heart attack, strokes, and a lot more. In fact, the Journal of Sleep Medicine also found that sleep apnea leads to approximately 38,000 cardiovascular deaths per year.

At Nottingham Dental, our sleep apnea doctor carefully diagnoses the root cause of your sleep apnea to curate the ideal sleep apnea treatment plan. Dr. Yan uses a proprietary, non-invasive, and nonsurgical sleep apnea treatment option called Vivos. Please continue reading to learn more about how we diagnose and treat sleep apnea.

Let us tell you about our sleep apnea solutions and find out what option is best for you. Schedule today!

Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Some of the common symptoms of sleep apnea include loud snoring, gasping for air while sleeping, sudden lapses of breathing while sleeping, morning headaches, insomnia, irritability, hypersomnia, and dry mouth, to name a few.

Does excessive snoring inturpt your sleep? You may be suffering from sleep apnea. Speak to our dentist today to learn more.

Types of Sleep Apnea

There are various types of sleep apnea, depending on the root cause of your sleep apnea. However, determining the root cause of sleep apnea may be difficult because they share similar symptoms. Since the symptoms of the various types of sleep apnea are the same, you must contact a sleep apnea doctor for a diagnosis. The following is a brief overview of the different types of sleep apnea.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Obstructive sleep apnea is the most common type of sleep apnea, caused by the relaxation of throat muscles. The muscles in the back of your throat support the uvula, i.e., the triangular tissue hanging from the soft palate and tonsils. When your muscles relax, your upper airway closes, obstructing your breathing and preventing sufficient airflow into your blood. As your brain detects the lack of oxygen, it rouses you awake to reopen the airway, resulting in a sudden gasp for air. People suffering from obstructive sleep apnea often repeat this pattern five to 30 times per hour, significantly affecting their ability to sleep.

Complex Sleep Apnea

Complex sleep apnea is far less common than both central sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea and is usually a result of both types of sleep apneas. It is also known as treatment-emergent central sleep apnea.

Central Sleep Apnea

Central sleep apnea isn’t as common as obstructive sleep apnea, though it’s just as serious. When you suffer from central sleep apnea, your brain fails to communicate with your breathing muscles, which means you forget to breathe for short periods. As such, you may have trouble falling asleep, or you may wake up repeatedly with shortness of breath.

Do you suffer from sleep apnea symptoms? Schedule your appointment and speak with Dr. Yan today.

Sleep Apnea Complications

  • Fatigue: Due to constant sleep interruptions, it’s impossible to get a good night’s sleep, which leads to significant daytime fatigue. You’ll be drowsy, tired, and possibly irritable. The lack of sleep will also prevent you from concentrating on work, driving, or other such activities.
  • High Blood Pressure: When you stop breathing at night, there’s a lack of oxygen in your blood supply, which affects your cardiovascular system, increasing your blood pressure.
  • Heart Condition: Heightened blood pressure also increases your risk of suffering from cardiovascular or heart conditions, such as heart attack, atrial fibrillation, strokes, etc.
  • Type 2 Diabetes: Sleep apnea leads to insulin resistance, which increases your risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • Metabolic Syndrome: Sleep apnea can also result in a metabolic condition, which increases your blood pressure, cholesterol level, and blood sugar.
  • Liver Condition: Sleep apnea increases the risk of liver damage
  • Sleep Deprivation: Finally, sleep apnea leads to loud snoring, which can lead to sleep deprivation for the individual concerned and their sleep partner.
  • and conditions like nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.partner.

Snoring may be a sign of a serious condition. Schedule your appointment online today.

Sleep Apnea Diagnosis

As you can see, sleep apnea symptoms get worse with time and can result in severe complications. As such, if you suspect that you suffer from sleep apnea, you must consult our sleep apnea doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

During your initial consultation with the sleep apnea doctor, they will look for signs and symptoms of sleep apnea, along with your sleep history. The sleep apnea doctor may recommend overnight sleep monitoring at a sleep center or home sleep testing.

Nocturnal Polysomnography

During this sleep apnea diagnosis, you are hooked to a device that measures and monitors your heart, brain, lungs, breathing, and bodily movements. It also measures your oxygen level as you sleep, determining if you have sleep apnea and how it affects your body.

Home Sleep Test

Your sleep apnea doctor may also provide some home tests you can self-administer. The sleep apnea home test will measure your breathing, oxygen level, airflow, and other statistics. If you have abnormal results, the sleep apnea doctor may consider more serious diagnostic methods.

Schedule your denist appointment today!

Sleep Apnea Treatment at Nottingham Dental: Vivos Oral Appliance for Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is generally caused by narrow dental arches or an underdeveloped jaw. At Nottingham Dental, we prefer to treat sleep apnea using a proprietary and nonsurgical treatment option called the Vivos system of oral appliances for sleep apnea.

The Vivos System is widely hailed as the biggest breakthrough in sleep apnea treatments since CPAP. It’s essentially an intraoral appliance, kind of like a retainer or a nightguard. As you wear this oral appliance for sleep apnea, it gradually applies pressure on your jawbones, moving it forward and outward. Over time, the Vivos oral appliance for sleep apnea lifts your soft tissues up off the throat, opening your upper airway. As such, the Vivos System of oral appliance helps you breathe comfortably, avoid snoring, and eventually treat sleep apnea.

While CPAPs help you breathe, they don’t necessarily cure you. Nottingham Dental’s Vivos treatment, in comparison, cures sleep apnea. You have to wear an oral appliance for sleep apnea in the evenings and while sleeping for 1 to 2 years. After that, once you’re cured, you no longer have to wear oral appliances or CPAP.

Our dental office also works with children. Sleep apnea in children can manifest in various ways, including ADD/ADHD, chronic allergies, night terrors, daytime drowsiness, snoring, restless sleep, irritability, swollen tonsils, dark circles, bedwetting, and more. Most people don’t connect these symptoms to sleep apnea even though they’re common symptoms of sleep disorders. At Nottingham Dental, we carefully assess your children and use orthodontic appliances to treat sleep disorder. The Vivos orthodontic appliance moves the jaws to facilitate optimal development of the oral cavity. As your child’s oral cavity and jaws develop, their airway also expands, allowing them to breathe easier, minimizing the risk of sleep apnea. 

Vivos oral appliance for sleep apnea is primarily used to treat snoring, breathing ailments, and sleep apnea. However, the following is an overview of all the ways it can help you:

  • Prevent snoring at night, which is especially beneficial for your sleep partners.
  • They’re extremely comfortable and allow you to sleep peacefully, ensuring you’re not tired the next day.
  • No more waking headaches or migraines.
  • Treats severe teeth grinding and clenching.
  • It helps children with ADD or ADHD.
  • Issues like bedwetting, chronic allergies, frequent headaches, and night terrors can also be symptomatic of sleep apnea. If your child is suffering from any of these issues, contact Dr. Yan today for an evaluation..
  • Treat cosmetic issues, such as underbite, weak chin, gummy smile, etc.
  • Since the Vivos oral appliance gradually applies pressure on your jaws, it may also fix some cosmetic or orthodontic issues, such as straightening overcrowded teeth.

We offer online booking for your convenience. Schedule your appointment today!

Sleep Apnea Q&A

How do I know for sure If I have sleep apnea?

The most prominent signs and symptoms of sleep apnea are loud snoring, intermittent breathing, and gasping episodes due to lack of breathing. However, you should consult a sleep apnea doctor for sleep apnea diagnosis.

How is sleep apnea treated?

There are a lot of potential sleep apnea treatment options. Initially, your sleep apnea doctor may recommend some lifestyle changes, following which they may recommend sleep apnea CPAP treatment or oral dental appliance for sleep apnea. If everything fails, your sleep apnea doctor may recommend sleep apnea surgery.

Are there any alternatives to using a CPAP machine?

CPAP machines have often been considered the gold standard in sleep apnea treatment. However, with the development of oral appliances for sleep apnea, that is no longer the case. The Vivos System of oral appliances for sleep apnea is one of the best alternatives to a CPAP machine. Vivos is a dental appliance, like a mouthguard, that you have to wear while sleeping for about 1-2 years. It applies pressure on your jawbones, moving it forward to gradually open your upper airways, treating sleep apnea, snoring, and various other related issues.

I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. How do I know if I have mild, moderate or severe?

The severity of sleep apnea depends on how much it interrupts your breathing. If your sleep apnea interrupts your breathing five to 15 times, you have mild sleep apnea. If you have 15 to 30 such interruptions, you have moderate sleep apnea. If you have over 30 such sleep interruptions, you have severe sleep apnea. However, you should consult your sleep apnea doctor for a diagnosis as soon as you suspect sleep apnea because self-monitoring isn’t accurate.

Can a dentist diagnose and treat sleep apnea?

Yes, a dentist can diagnose and treat sleep apnea. However, some dentists also recommend people with sleep apnea to sleep centers for accurate diagnosis, especially if you have severe sleep apnea.

How can a dentist help someone with sleep apnea?

Dentists can help with sleep apnea by recommending oral dental appliances for sleep apnea, which is the ideal treatment for obstructive sleep apnea without CPAP. These oral devices for sleep apnea are like mouthguards that fit into your mouth and keep your throat open to prevent the upper airway from closing. 

Do you want to learn more about Sleep Apnea? Ask us!

Schedule your Sleep Apnea Diagnosis Today

Nottingham Dental is one of the most reputable dental clinics in Katy, Texas. If you have sleep apnea symptoms, please consult our sleep apnea doctor immediately. We will diagnose the root cause of sleep apnea and recommend the best sleep apnea treatment for your specific needs. As we mentioned previously, sleep apnea can also manifest in some unusual and seemingly unrelated symptoms, such as night terrors, ADHD, and more. Do you recognize anyone with those symptoms? Do you have a hard time finding the root cause of those problems? The problem may be as simple as a sleep disorder or breathing problem.

At our dental clinic, Dr. Yan is a firm believer in nonsurgical and minimally-invasive solutions, which is why we prefer the Vivos System of sleep apnea oral appliances over all surgical or CPAP sleep apnea treatments. You can now finally breathe a sigh of relief because Dr, Yan offers the most effective means of treating sleep apnea permanently, so you never have to worry about CPAPs or sleep disorders again. For more information, please schedule your sleep apnea diagnosis today.